Agreed Upon Procedures
An engagement in which we are engaged to perform audit nature procedures to which us, the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to report on actual findings. The recipients of the report form on their own conclusions from the report prepared by our work. The report is restricted to those parties which have agreed to the procedures to be performed since others are unaware of the reasons for the procedures and may misinterpret the results.
One of the most common examples in Indonesia is requirement for submission Kegiatan Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-hatian (KPPK)/ Prudential Principle Application report under Central Bank of Indonesia Circular Letter no 17/24/DSta. The regulation imposed the non-bank companies which is a debtor of foreign borrowing using foreign currency have to prepare a report according to those regulation and submit the financial statement to the Central Bank. In yearly basis, those companies need to submit KPPK report which have been checked by independent public accountant using agreed upon procedures.
Further exploration how this service may solve your matters, please contact us.
The objective of this service is to assist our client with preparation and presentation of the financial information for the purpose of mandatory financial reporting requirements, transactional purpose or others. A compilation engagement does not require us to verify the accuracy or completeness of the financial information or to gather evidence to express a conclusion on the preparation of the financial information, since this is not assurance engagement. The value of this engagement to the users of the financial information are resulted from application of our expertise in accounting and financial reporting and compliance with professional standards, including relevant ethical requirements.
Management retains responsibility for the financial information and the basis on which it is prepared and presented, including selection and application of appropriate accounting policies and developing reasonable accounting estimates.
Accounting Advisory
Our accounting advisory is more focus on the analysis of the accounting impact on deal transactions (structuring the transactions) and implication of new accounting standards adoption. We aim to provide best solution through exploring several available options suits to your business.
Design and Review Internal Control
The objectives of the internal control are to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of operation, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies. The company needs to update their existing controls, some of them may no longer applicable considering size of the business, changing in business process, additional business unit or revenue stream and any other complexity. We assist you for conducting review and identifying any control deficiency and weakness on your business process and provide recommendation to improve the internal control. This vulnerable area frequently leads to misappropriation of asset, or even affecting to the accuracy of the financial reporting (in our past experiences, the theft occurred due this deficiency and this can be a signal whether further investigation need to be performed).
Our services are not limited to review and provide recommendation for the existing control, but we could also design and lead the implementation process.
Financial Feasibility Study
Investment decision must be driven by reasonable risk and return assessments. The magnitude of the investment decision can be significant since the investment plan usually requires significant amount of capital. We assist you to evaluate the feasibility of your investment plan independently. The output can be used as an investment consideration and performance evaluation roadmap.
Further details of the scope and our methodology, please contact us.
Other Services
The other services depend on your needs, we may support you in building of financial projection, preparing business plan, management accountant support, guide the bookkeeping and reporting process, audit investigation, business review to evaluate your financial performance or any other service to address your issue.
Please reach out to us for discussion about your current issue and we will recommend the most suitable service.