Shita Dewi
Manager Profile
Shita is a Manager of the Firm. She has experience as a financial auditor. Before join with the Firm, Shita worked in global leading audit firm, Deloitte, more than 10 years.
During her career in Deloitte., Shita experienced in general audit engagement for various industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, construction, and power & electricity which are owned by domestic private company, foreign ownership as well as State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).
In addition, she also experienced in review assignments under ISRE 2400 and reviews client’s internal control as well as providing assistances for the assignments from cross division of Deloitte Indonesia and global network.
She has intense involvement in various the field-work process and leads day to day delivery services. She has strong technical expertise in Indonesian GAAP, IFRS as well as Auditing Standards.